First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
Peace Through Understanding
Rev. Samuel A. Trumbore, October 5, 2003


A 22-year-old Palestinian walks into a Tel Aviv discotheque, pushes a button and blows himself up, killing 21 Israelis.When asked about his son’s actions, his father crowed, “I am very happy and proud of what my son did and, frankly, am a bit jealous … I wish I had done it myself.” ( Jerusalem Post)

Find it hard to comprehend how a father could say this?Welcome to hell on earth.

Anyone who wades into the Israeli-Palestinian morass must do so with a great trepidation and humility.I have often scratched my head wondering what Yasser Arafat or Ariel Sharon could be thinking as they continue policies that seem like mutual self-destruction.My courage to try to say something useful about this topic came after being inspired by the words of Rabbi Michael Lerner.Lerner spoke to a workshop I attended at General Assembly about the Tikkun peace initiative.As I listened to Lerner, I realized my silence on this issue from the pulpit makes me complicit in the suffering and oppression countenanced by our President’s inconsistent Middle East policy.

So today I rise to speak of what I have studied and learned.Today I stand before you ready to advocate for a path to peace through understanding.

One of the first things we need to understand is why people are willing to become suicide bombers.We, in the west, have been told that these suicide bombers are religious fanatics.Many are not.One can only understand what might make someone a suicide bomber by visiting the territories occupied by Israel.

The words of Israeli peace activist,Uri Averny, can open our minds and hearts:

So what makes them do these things?… The reason can be summed up in one word: rage. … An ordinary Israeli, who has never been in the Palestinian territories, cannot even imagine the reasons for this rage…

Homes are demolished. A merchant, lawyer, ordinary craftsman, respected in his community, turns overnight into a “homeless,” he and his children and grandchildren. Each one of them a potential suicide bomber. 

Fruit trees are being uprooted in their thousands. For the officer, it’s just a tree, an obstacle. For the owners, it’s the blood of his heart, the heritage of his forefathers, years of toil, the livelihood of his family. Each one of them a potential suicide bomber. 

On a hill between the villages a gang of thugs has put up an “outpost.” The army arrives to defend them. When the villagers come to till their fields, they are shot at. They are forbidden to work in all fields and groves within a one or two kilometer range, so that the security of the outpost will not be endangered. The peasants see from afar, with longing eyes, how their fruit is rotting on the trees, how their fields are being covered by thorns and thistles waist high, while their children have nothing to eat. Each one of them a potential suicide bomber.

…Beyond these are the families living on the fringes of hunger, suffering from severe malnutrition. Fathers who cannot bring food to their children feel despair. Each one of them a potential suicide bomber. 

I quote Averny at length because of the vividness of his writing.It is one thing to know that the Palestinians suffer terribly.It is another to understand the details and begin to be touched by that pain.It is pain that is over 100 years old born with the Zionist dream of freedom.

One cannot begin to comprehend the difficulties in the region without also understanding the two thousand plus years of suffering of the Jews.Again, knowing that the Jews have been oppressed is quite different than becoming familiar with the details and betrayals.

Jews were largely tolerated in the Arab world, even in Palestine, until the migrations that began after the pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe in the late 1800’s.In the Arab world they were second-class citizens to be sure, but not singled out as a people for oppression and attack.The root of cruel Jewish oppression has always found its home in the minds of European Christians.

These vicious roots go back to the institutionalization of the Catholic Church by the Roman Emperor Constantine into what became the Holy Roman Empire in the fourth Century. Jewish-Christian marriages were forbidden by the Church.Jewish property rights were restricted.In many areas, Jews were expelled as Christ killers.This anti-Semitic hatred hardened into massive slayings during the Crusades.

The virulent reemergence of anti-Semitism in the Nineteenth century suggested to the Jews several courses of action.The spread of nationalism encouraged some Jews to believe in a state solution they called Zionism.Another group felt the solution was to assimilate fully into the culture and lose their unique Jewish identity.The ultra-orthodox rejected assimilation and Zionism, further turning toward isolationism.The Internationalists felt the solution was to abandon national and religious identities and identify in solidarity with others of their same class.

The horror of the Holocaust convinced many Jews that anti-Semitism could never be removed from the world and a national solution was the only answer.Key to that decision was the sense of betrayal the Jews felt during the war.Labor unions ignored and turned against the Jews vowing their allegiance to blood and soil.No one bombed the tracks leading to the concentration camps.Jewish refugees were rejected and returned to certain death. Even now, Jews look to Israel as their only assurance that they can escape persecution in a Jew hating world.The deeper one looks at betrayal after betrayal in Jewish history, the harder it is to escape this conclusion.

Zionism began seventy years before the Holocaust as Jews began buying land in Palestine.As they did, they brought Industrial Age capitalist ideas to what was a feudal Islamic state.Few who lived in Palestine actually owned their own land.Many were tenant farmers whose family had lived on the same land for many generations.Sure, the land changed owners but that only meant the rent went to a new landlord.When the first Jews arrived believing they could occupy the land they bought and convert it into kibbutz settlements, conflict quickly followed, just as it had in Europe during the enclosure period.With each wave of European violence against Jews, more of them opted to go to Israel creating an increasing flood of uninvited refugees.

Because these refugees were European, and the British had gained control of these territories after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the Palestinians identified Zionism with colonialism.The cunning British used the Jews as a wedge to help establish colonial rule through divide and conquer techniques.Jews running for their lives meeting Palestinian resistance and retaliation fell easily into this role.

An oppressed Palestinian region and an oppressed religious minority were thus set on a collision course and have never reconciled their differences.It would take another couple of sermons to outline, in detail, the harm each side has done to the other intentionally and unintentionally in the last hundred years.Each has seen its survival threatened and felt backed up against the wall, ready to fight and die.Each has committed atrocities against the other.Each act of hatred has only inspired an increase in hatred.

This is a particularly dark time in this conflict due to the failure of the Oslo accords.In 1993, there was hope that maybe it was time for the hate to begin to come to an end.Jews and Palestinians allowed a glimmer of hope to emerge that a two state solution could be accomplished and a healing process could begin.As the tenth anniversary of that accord has now passed, that hope is gone, and with it an incredible demoralization of the Israelis.The vision of creating freedom for the Jews has come, increasingly, at the cost of removing the freedom of the Palestinians.

This hopelessness of finding a solution has enabled Sharon, backed by minority extremists, to rule like a ruthless dictator as the Knesset rolls over on its back like a dog.His actions and policies speak of a relentless drive to subjugate the Palestinians as a powerless underclass to be gradually eliminated or harmlessly quarantined in walled Native American-style reservation ghettos.Israel is paying a high moral price for this policy in the eyes of the world … and in the hearts of its own nation.

In a searing editorial, Avraham Burg, Speaker of Israel's Knesset from 1999 to 2003 wrote, "We live in a thunderously failed reality."

The Zionist revolution has always rested on two pillars: a just path and an ethical leadership. Neither of these is operative any longer. The Israeli nation today rests on a scaffolding of corruption, and on foundations of oppression and injustice. As such, the end of the Zionist enterprise is already on our doorstep. There is a real chance that ours will be the last Zionist generation. There may yet be a Jewish state here, but it will be a different sort, strange and ugly.

There is time to change course, but not much. What is needed is a new vision of a just society and the political will to implement it. Nor is this merely an internal Israeli affair. Diaspora Jews for whom Israel is a central pillar of their identity must pay heed and speak out. If the pillar collapses, the upper floors will come crashing down…

… the 2,000-year struggle for Jewish survival comes down to a state of settlements, run by an amoral clique of corrupt lawbreakers who are deaf both to their citizens and to their enemies. A state lacking justice cannot survive. More and more Israelis are coming to understand this as they ask their children where they expect to live in 25 years. Children who are honest admit, to their parents' shock, that they do not know. The countdown to the end of Israeli society has begun.( Palestine/burg_1.htm 8-31-03 Translated by J.J. Goldberg)

Burg’s words are a sober wake up call for all concerned.It is the age-old story of the oppressed turning into oppressors, the beaten child turning into the child beater.Perhaps the Jews will be different, many have thought, because their religion calls them to a higher standard, a standard of forgiveness, reconciliation and atonement that begins after the celebration of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, culminating in Yom Kippur which will be celebrated Monday.

Michael Lerner told us at the workshop in Boston during General Assembly that he believes, given the current state of the situation, neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians can put themselves back on the path to peace.They must be led to it by one nation with the power to accomplish that goal: the United States in alliance with the United Nations.We are the only world power that can have persuasive influence over Israel, especially if the powerful American Jewish community decides it is in their interest to do this.The solution to the crisis is in American hands.

While the exact details of making peace in the region are difficult and complex, the framework is clear.Both Israelis and Palestinians must have the security and the autonomy to control their own lands.The Palestinian refugees must be resettled and compensated for their losses.Some Israelis in the Gaza and the West Bank must also be resettled and compensated for their losses.Access to water must be resolved fairly.An international authority must control shared territory, particularly in Jerusalem.This framework will not bring peace but can end the violence.

The real peace can be won through funding and supporting American, Israeli and Palestinian peace organizations.We don't read about them in the newspaper, sadly, but there are a number of Middle East peace organizations doing great work to pave the way for peace, even as I speak.I believe if Palestinian parents begin to see hope for their children to get a good education and meaningful employment, they will stop sending their children to the bomb makers.The radical fringes only gain strength when the majority feels hopeless and helpless.The most effective way to end the violence is through offering the Palestinian youth more options for meaning than death.Given the opportunity for meaningful work, health, security, and raising a family, they will choose life.

The path to this peace will come through a willingness to understand the situation of the other.Palestinians need to understand the suffering of the Jews and the Jews need to understand the suffering they have caused the Palestinians.This understanding is not to establish who is at fault.Both are at fault.This understanding is to open each person's armored heart and drain out the poison each has used to demonize the other.Both Israelis and Palestinians are human beings, deserving of love and respect.

The Israeli Palestinian conflict can be overcome if there is the international will, particularly by the United States.Creating that will requires Americans to begin to understand the situation better.I've shared just a few illustrations hoping to expand your thinking about the region.Given the critical nature of this conflict in world affairs, we all need to know more about it.I’ve learned a great deal in the last few weeks and I thought I was well informed!I'm exploring bringing in some experts and having an adult education class or a community forum with Jewish and Palestinian perspectives.If you are interested in helping to organize this, please let me know.

What no one can argue is the unjustness of the status quo.However formulated, someday there must be some kind of viable Palestinian state alongside Israel.We are the ones who can help make that happen.The heart and soul of Israel is at stake in finding the answer.

As Yom Kippur approaches, I’d like to close with a prayer for Israel. This prayer is excerpted from one written by Rabbis for Human Rights for the fiftieth anniversary of Israeli independence:

Sovereign of the Universe, accept in lovingkindness and with favor our prayers for the State of Israel, her government and all who dwell within her boundaries and under her authority.Reopen our eyes and our hearts to the wonder of Israel and strengthen our faith in Your power to work redemption in every human soul…

Grant those entrusted with guiding Israel’s destiny the courage, wisdom and strength to do Your Will.Guide them in the paths of peace and give them insight to see Your Image in every human being…

Spread Your blessings over the Land.May justice and human rights abound for all her inhabitants.Guide them “To do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”… Implant tolerance and mutual respect in every heart… Spread over Israel and all the world Your shelter of peace, and may the vision of Your prophet soon be fulfilled: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

Copyright © 2003 by the Rev. Samuel A. Trumbore. All rights reserved.