World Peace and Healing Day Messages 1995

World Peace and Healing Day Messages
7:00am December 31st, 1995

This year Jay Little Hawk and Cynthia Stiehl sang some songs for peace, Father Nick McLoughlin president of the Charlotte County Ministers Association, Jim DeMaio and Jim Wood, leaders in the Groves Foundation, shared their thoughts on peace, and after our time for meditation and prayer, each person was invited to share a message of peace with the world. What follows is a listing of those messages with the hope that these peaceful thoughts will bring healing to the world. Enjoy them so too you may find both peace and healing within and become part of the cause of world peace.

The world feels energized by peace this year as progress has happened in so many places - Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Haiti. May 1996 truly be a great year of peace for the whole world.
Peace from within spreads throughout on thread of laughter, song and kindness. Let us weave these threads into a strong cloth of warmth and strength enveloping us all.
May the peace of God be with all our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
Laugh lots, hug everyone you meet, O.D. on smiles, cry when tears wish to flow, skip, do something crazy, hug yourself, look into the mirror and embrace the love you see and feel, gaze into the eyes of humans and animals and know unconditional, be true to you. What a gift this life is! L'ome
World, I trust you with my heart, my dream, my love - given freely to you.
Smile at every child and adolescent you see.
hate hate hate
hate hate peace
hate peace peace
peace peace peace
- Paul Lewis, Port Charlotte, Florida, US
Let be love, among every one young and old, unity with friends, to see all become one, look toward God and follow the light then peace will come.
We are one in the Web of Life. Peace and love is manifesting at every moment in the Dreams that we share.
... look into your heart to find the peace of spirit - the peace that begins with you and me and with those closest to us and with those closest to them and so on and so on across this universe ... Aho mitakuye oyasih!
"Peace is flowing like a river flowing out from you and me..." May it flow through our families, our neighborhoods, our schools, our places of worship, into our cities, countries and into our world. Amen.
Mankind has choices! We CAN choose peace.
Teach us to eliminate greed and selfishness to open our hearts to love and accept peace.
Think of me and I will think of you
We have gathered here in S.W. Florida to celebrate peace as a way of living and thinking. Those who want peace must join forces to help bring this about.
It's understandable that love generates peace ... if you think about it.
"The way to get peace is by being peaceful." - Sonia Johnson
Open heart, deep within the peace is found.
Search for this for then heaven is abound.
Speak of peace, feel the love, spread heaven around.
S. Gosset '95
There are no bad guys.
What we sometimes see as an attact is nothing more than a call for love.
If we remember the peace inside us we can always respond with truth and love.
Peace will come to all who ask for it with real desire and sincerity of purpose.
May peace reign in my heart, mind, and soul always.
See before you and withing you, Peace.
From the HIV/AIDS Ministry CHASE (Catholic HIV/AIDS Spiritual Educators):
We as members of the Body of Christ send peace to all the world. We pray and will live as peacemakers so that all children of God's Planet will finally live in the love and peace of God.
I pray for peace for the world so my children and grand children may live in a world full of love.
Help me act always knowing that I'm made in the image of Christ, as He would act, in any given moment.
There is peace under the sun
There is peace in the son
I am peace

May the Peace that starts as a flicker within join with others to unite a flame of love throughout the world.
Messages from 1994

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